
Support for Learning
Support for Learning at KLISS is available on a permanent or temporary basis for those students finding difficulty with a particular area of the curriculum. They do not need to have an identified learning difference to benefit from support lessons. These lessons may be requested by parents as extra sessions; all such lessons are charged as an addition to the school fees. Lessons are tailored to the individual needs of students, who are matched, wherever possible, with partners whose needs are similar. Timetabled lessons are then arranged.

The pastoral policies at KLISS reflect the desire to create a well-ordered environment in which learning can flourish and where responsibility for one’s own actions and having respect for each other is clearly understood. We strive to identify and provide opportunities for students to develop skills, concepts, attitudes and knowledge to promote their safety and wellbeing.
PSHE, subject specific lessons, assemblies, methods of communication and the school ethos reinforce equality, citizenship and zero tolerance of abuse, with the aim of prevention of and protection from abuse.
All members of the KLISS community are treated with respect and dignity, feel safe and are listened to. Responses are sensitive to the needs of individual students.
The pastoral system at KLISS is, fundamentally and crucially, based on open channels of communication between staff and students, together with parents and all stakeholders. Students are made aware of the main channels of communication with staff and are encouraged to talk freely with their Homeroom teachers and subject teachers.
Any teacher may deal with an issue using his/her own judgement of the seriousness of the matter in hand. Relevant staff are kept informed during morning briefings or by email communication or incident report forms. All communication files are kept on the School Management Systems by each homeroom teacher and any issues are discussed in the weekly student update. These discussions are included in the half termly SLT meeting and are minuted.